Google My Business Provider: My first 2 months...

On January 7th this year, I was migrated by Google from Trusted Verifier to a Google My Business Provider. This means that I can help businesses to verify their Google My Business listing instantaneously.

After being in the program for 2 months and 2 days now, I like to look back to see how I have experienced it and how I have been able to help businesses throughout the world…

My experience with the program

The interface through works OK, but is missing a few features, which in my opinion could give a better experience to the My Business Provider:

  • The interface does what it needs to do: allow me to generate tokens for business owners, which I can send to them, to enable them to finally claim their Google My Business listing.
  • It works fast: a token is generated within the blink of an eye and a list of verification tokens is able for downloading within a matter of seconds after uploading.
  • The verification process for business owners seems to be simple and comprehensible, because I never receive any questions about it.
  • From the perspective from the business owner it also works fast: they are able to claim a listing normally within 1-2 minutes.
  • I am currently set up as a My Business Provider for Africa. In the interface I see all the tokens, generated for businesses throughout Africa by myself AND also by all other My Business Providers! As a result of this, I have to search for my own tokens in a long list, each time I want to check the status of my generated tokens. It would be a lot better, if I only saw my own tokens.
  • I’d love to receive an automated email message, when a business I have sent a verification token to, successfully claims its’ listing. This would allow me to easily tick this off from one of my own ToDo-lists, without having to go back to the interface, search the listing and see whether or not it has been claimed already.

User interface of Google My Business Provider


If you have any questions or want more information on how Google My Business can help you with your business, feel free to contact me.

Eduard de Boer
Google Street View Trusted Photographer
Google My Business Provider

I am interested in Photography, Virtual Reality, Reputation Management and Internet Marketing.